Outfitting a medical practice, surgical center, or hospital with the necessary equipment can be extremely expensive. Purchasing refurbished medical equipment is an ideal way to get everything that is needed while staying within budget. But it is important to consider several things before you make the investment in refurbished medical equipment. Use the following tips to purchase quality equipment that is a good value:
Understand Refurbished Terms
There are several different types of refurbished medical equipment. A piece of equipment that has been cosmetically refurbished is fully functional, but repairs have been made to improve how it looks visually. If a piece has undergone functional refurbishment, that typically means that it has had parts updated and replaced. Any equipment that has been fully refurbished has likely undergone both cosmetic and functional procedures to restore the equipment to like-new condition.
Think About Technological Advances
While refurbished medical equipment can be very cost effective, think about technological advances before making a purchase. Some items, such as imaging machines and lasers, are changing rapidly. If these are things that are used in your practice on a regular basis, it may be best to buy new to ensure that you have access to up-to-date technology. Any other medical equipment that does not change or get upgraded on a regular basis is typically good to buy refurbished. The money that you save by purchasing refurbished medical equipment can go towards the cost of any state-of-the-art equipment your practice requires.
Make Sure There is a Warranty
Even though a piece of medical equipment is refurbished, you should expect to receive something in great condition that can be used for several years. Before purchasing refurbished medical equipment, make sure the supplier you want to work with offers a warranty on your purchase. A reputable, quality refurbished medical equipment supplier will stand behind the items that they sell and guarantee it for a limited amount of time.
Consider Trading In Your Current Medical Equipment
If you want to offset costs even further, look for a refurbished medical equipment supplier who allows you to trade in your current equipment. The supplier can purchase the equipment that you plan to replace and then re-sell it, and you will receive money that can be used towards your purchase of refurbished equipment. This is also a great way to ensure that your old equipment is properly recycled and doesn't end up in a landfill.
Keep these tips in mind whether you need to buy refurbished critical care equipment, imaging systems, or basics such as monitors.