Sending Your Parent Home From The Hospital? Get The Medical Supplies You Need On A Dime

If your parent is going home from the hospital and will need home health care and you're worried about some of the medical supplies they'll need, you'll want to shop around. You don't want to just pay for the items the home health care company brings, because they make a commission on the items, and items directly from the hospital can be expensive. Instead, try online supplies and stores to see if you can get the lowest rate.

Why You Need Glaucoma Testing At Your Next Eye Exam

Glaucoma is a condition that affects approximately three million people in the United States; although, experts believe only about half of that number is aware that they have the condition. Glaucoma means that you have elevated pressure inside of your eye that if left untreated, can permanently damage your optic nerve, causing you to lose some or all of your sight. If you are over age forty, you need to have your eyesight tested regularly each year to see if you have glaucoma.

4 Considerations to Make Your Remodeling Project More than Increased Resale Value

If you're about to remodel your home, you're likely surrounded by people suggesting features to make your home worth more should you sell it. However, there's always the chance that you won't sell it, instead staying in the home for as long as you can. If you think that might be the case for you, then you need to look at how your practical needs will change as you get older and remodel to suit those needs, especially if you become disabled, start using a cane, develop balance issues, or develop other mobility and disability issues.

Electric Wheelchairs For Your Elderly Loved One: What You Should Know

When you have a loved one who is elderly and in need of care and assistance, your primary concern is for their well-being and safety. As such, you want to be sure that they have all of the medical equipment and supplies that they need to give your loved one the highest quality of life possible without hindering their independence and personal freedoms. And if your loved one is having issues getting around and caring for themselves, you may be wondering whether or not an electric wheelchair is the right choice for them.

Safety Tips For Wheelchair Lifts

Having a wheelchair lift in your home or at your place of work is extremely helpful for those who need to get around using a wheelchair. However, it can also be somewhat dangerous, since you are lifting someone up to a height where he or she could be injured and he or she will not be able to stop him or herself from getting hurt should something go wrong. Here are some wheelchair lift safety tips to make sure that everything goes smoothly.